“The Bounce!” Author Interview: India Empire Magazine

Mr Mohan, an IT professional from North Carolina has strong roots to India. He has moved and lived across three continents in five countries and visited dozens others. In a candid interview with India Empire’s Assitant Editor, Misha Singh, Mr Mohan talked about his journey, experiences and his debut book “The Bounce! — A Story of love, loss and the life of a global Indian”

This is your first book. What inspired you to write the book?

I have written and blogged extensively on technology and management topics, but this is my first fictional book. I had been reflecting on an incident, back in 2008 when we lost a healthy, bouncy child while on a Jet Airways flight from Brussels to Delhi. My wife and I were relocating back from Toronto with a five and half month old child when tragedy struck. The book is an attempt at redemption, especially as writing has been very cathartic for me.

By talking about my story, I am also hoping to provide some inspiration to others facing life’s challenges on bouncing back, as the title suggests.

This is a semi-autobiographical novel, what can the readers expect from the same?

Much of the story depicted in the novel is mine. I decided to write a semi-autobiographical novel since this format gave me a bit of artistic liberty to stretch my imagination while basing the outline on facts as I remembered them. A few accounts, and names have been fictionalized and I rely on the dialog style that a fiction can accommodate more than a biography.

What was your goal when you wrote the book—was it to just finish writing or getting it published and reaching out to the world?

My goal in writing “The Bounce!” (Amazon) was simple. I had a story that I thought must be told. It is also an attempt to show a human face to globalization and people in the dynamic global outsourcing industry who travel around the world.

How did you begin writing this book? What do you wish to convey with the book?

I began writing the book in 2012. After attempting to write it as a biography, I switched to a semi-autobiographical format earlier in 2015. There are a couple of key messages I feel I am conveying in the book.

Growing up in an Indian Air force officer’s family, I was used to hearing the adage “join the navy and see the world.” This has perhaps been overshadowed by the reality “Join the Indian IT and see the world.” My journey is an example of living this adage, and wanted to share my life’s journey and the dynamic nature of outsourcing industry with readers.

The key message is about redemption. The theme of “The Bounce!” is all about the ability to bounce back, especially after unforeseen tragedies in life.

What authors do you like to read? Do any of them influence your writing?

I firmly believe in the adage “he, who reads more, writes more”. My reading habits are eclectic and include fiction and nonfiction books on business and technology.

‘Elizabeth Gilbert’s cheerful narrative “Eat, Pray, Love” highlighting how she overcame her life’s challenge was an inspiration at the time in life when I needed one.

Please tell us something about you and your connect with India?

I grew up moving across India when my dad served in the Indian Air Force. After completing my masters from an Engineering college in Mysore, I joined a British software firm in Bengaluru. I worked with Infosys for nearly a decade and now live the Indian-American dream in North Carolina with my charming wife Sujatha and adorable kindergartener Vijay. My parents live in Bengaluru and my in-laws in Delhi and I try and make an annual trek back there with my family. The intent is also to ensure Vijay bonds with his grandparents and cousins while retaining his Indian-ness.

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